These forms should be used by the Patrol Leader and patrol members to
organize and plan activities.
Patrol Leader's Notebook
This is the complete Patrol Leader's Notebook in Acrobat format. It
includes the table of contents and all the supporting leadership
information. You will also want to download the patrol and planning
forms in Word format so you add your own patrol information.
Patrol Equipment Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure that your Patrol has all your Patrol
equipment in good condition before and after camping trips.
Patrol Roster
The Patrol Roster is used to list telephone numbers and other
information about each member in your Patrol. You can edit the Word
version to add your Patrol members electronically.
Patrol Call Log
The Patrol Call Log has a place for you to add each Patrol member and
to record information you need to tell each member. It also has a place
to take notes on who is coming to the meeting and the camping trip.
Patrol PLC Notes
The Patrol PLC Notes page is designed for you to take notes during the
PLC. The Senior Patrol Leader can use this form to fill out information
before the PLC and give each Patrol Leader a partially filled out set of
Patrol Weekend Duty Roster
You record on the Weekend Duty Roster the jobs assigned to each Scout
for a camping trip. The Roster must be posted in your Patrol site.
Patrol Menu Planner
The Menu Planner is used to plan your menu for a camping trip. It must
be filled out, turned in to the appropriate adult, and approved in
advance of each camping trip.
Patrol GrubMaster List
The GrubMaster prepares this shopping list based on the Patrol Menu and
the number of Scouts going camping.