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Last Update: 18 October 2024. Click your browser's refresh button to ensure you are looking at the most recent update to this page. It is updated several times most weeks. Click underlined text to follow the link to additional information.

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), Sunday, 20 October, 7:00-8:00 PM, Joe's Cafe NEW DATE

PLCs will generally be scheduled for the second Sunday of each month. Check the announcements for any changes. All patrols should be represented by their Patrol Leader or a designated substitute. All Seniors are expected to participate. Adult Leaders are welcome to join the meetings.

The PLC will once again be in person. Please arrive at Joe's Cafe shortly before 7 PM so the meeting can start on time. Parents should return at 8:00 PM to pick up their sons.

Fall Court of Honor, Thursday, 24 October, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, Multipurpose Room

Our Fall Court of Honor will take place in the Multipurpose Room in lieu of our regular troop meeting. Parents and siblings are encourage to come. Scouts will receive awards earned since our last Court of Honor including all awards and merit badges earned at summer camp. Scouts and adult leaders should be in full Scout uniform.

No Troop Meeting, Thursday, 31 October, Halloween

There will not be a Troop meeting on Halloween. Enjoy your evening with ghosts and goblins!

Active Adult Needed to Send Weekly Emails

The Scoutmaster is looking for an active adult to take over the responsibility of sending out weekly email reminders to troop families. If you are interested please contact the Scoutmaster.

Youth Protection Training Required to Re-register Adult Leaders

You must have completed online BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) in 2024 to be able to re-registered as a BSA Adult Leader. Take the training and send a copy of your completion Certificate to Adam Spence and Ken Krach BEFORE 1 DECEMBER.

Backpacking Green Ridge State Forest, 8-10 November, sign up and pay by 24 October

Please register to participate using the Online Event Registration Form and pay the Treasurer at a Troop meeting.

Our next camping trip is backpacking in the Green Ridge Forest in Maryland. This is the only opportunity this year for you to complete the PASS backpacking requirement.


Meet at the shed at 6:00. We don't have much to pack so we plan to be on the road by 6:30 PM.

Actions required by participants before the trip:

General Information 

Additional Backpacking Information - MUST READING FOR EVERYONE!

All Scouts, Adults, and Parents: you should carefully read this information.
It is more detailed information about backpacking in general and also information specific to how THIS backpacking trip will be run.
Hikes and Maps
We will all camp together on Friday and Saturday nights. On Saturday we will have two routes for backpacking. The longer route is about 13 miles. This route is for older Scouts and Scouts who need it for PASS. The Scoutmaster must approve all Scouts going on the long hike. We will also have a shorter backpack, around 6 miles, for new and younger Scouts. We will all hike out together about 4 miles on Sunday morning. Food 



Annual Bull & Oyster Event, 15th November, Columbus Gardens, Nottingham, MD

Our Parents Club Annual Bull and Oyster Roast will take place on Friday evening, 15 November at the Columbus Gardens in Nottingham, MD from 7 to 11 pm. Print the Flyer.

Details: This is a major fund raiser for the troop. The participation of every family is required to make the event a success.
What we need from each family:

  1. Buy Tickets. Tickets are $65 each or $60 each for a table of 8, 9 or 10. Consider inviting your family and friends to meet our 300 guest goal. The tables seat 8 or 9 guests comfortably with a table of 10 being cozy, but comfortable among friends and family.
  2. Sign Up to Help. We request that each family sign up to assist at an event table for a 1 hour block. Sign-up sheets are displayed at troop meetings.
  3. TV Raffle Tickets. Each boy will be given tickets to sell to friends and family. Tickets are $5 each and the purchaser does not need to be present to win.
  4. Patrol Baskets. Your son’s patrol is making a patrol basket to be displayed at the event. This basket will provide an item that attendees will buy chances to win which helps the troop. In addition the patrol that accumulates the most chances will win a prepared dinner with the adults and seniors at the Senior Surprise camping trip. The cost of the basket is to be shared by all members of the patrol. Assist your son and his patrol in putting together a great basket.
  5. Dad’s Beers of the World basket. Please bring in a six pack of your favorite beer to be added to the Dad’s basket. You can bring them to any troop meeting before the event.
  6. Mom’s Wine Basket. Please bring a bottle of wine to be added to the Mom’s basket. You can bring them to any troop meeting before the event.
  7. Attend and have a wonderful evening!

We are also in need of Silent Auction Items. Please consider items you have or solicit items from employers, friends and family. Here are suggestions for items that have proved to be valuable in the past.

Photographs Needed from Calvert Cliffs and Assateague Trips

Please select your best photographs from these camping trips and put them in cloud storage. Then, Email the Webmaster with the link so he can post some photographs to the album pages on this website for both trips.

Venture Ski Trip, 24-26 January 2025, openings available

Additional Resources for Scouts, Parents, and Adults

Please visit the Resources page under the Information menu above for additional information about Troop 497 programs and activities.