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Last Update: 14 July 2024. Click your browser's refresh button to ensure you are looking at the most recent update to this page. It is updated several times most weeks. Click underlined text to follow the link to additional information.

Summer Camp Check-in and Schedule, Thursday, 18th of July, Arrive Between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.

Thursday evening, July 18th, will be the troop check-in evening.  You may arrive any time between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.  It will take approximately one hour to get everything done.  Medications should be turned in at this time.  At this time, we will check all paperwork, handle all final payments (including the $25 for the Visa Card for lunch) that may be outstanding, and complete the final checklist for all boys and adults.  Please note that all unpaid fees will be due at this time including any outstanding dues amounts ($75.00 per year).  It is also at this time that you may purchase Troop T-Shirts, pick up your nametags, and do final merit badge checks.

After checking in, we ask all of our parents to return to St. Joseph’s parking lot at 5:30 A.M. on Friday July 19th.  BRING YOUR DUFFLE AT THIS TIME.  Please do not be late for we will be organizing everything to go on the buses and will not have time to deal with late arrivals.  Please bring your packed carry-on ready to go and be in full uniform.  Upon arrival at the church, please check in at the check-in table to get your bus assignment and further instructions.  We will be leaving the church parking lot as close to 6:30 a.m. as possible.  The buses will arrive at approximately 6:00 a.m. which will allow us to pack and leave on time.

We will be returning to the church parking lot on Sunday, July 28th, between 1:30 and 2:30 P.M.  We will use our X (twitter) account to notify our families when we have a more accurate arrival time.  Please do not plan on having your son call you upon his arrival.  All of the adults and leaders will want to leave as soon as possible.  Therefore, we ask that our parents be waiting for us when we arrive.  


In order to participate in the the ATV activity at Summer Camp:

Scoutmaster's Summer Camp Letter - UPDATED - Return Date Corrected to 28 July

This Scoutmaster's Summer Camp Letter contains important information about our Summer Camp at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation. He discusses the things you need to know as you get prepared to go to camp. It includes information on traveling, uniforms, medications, camp rules, spending money, and more. It is MUST READING for everyone. Find this document and other summer camp information on our Information/Major Events page.

Summer Camp Tips & Tricks for Beginners and Experienced Campers Alike

Senior Meeting, Sunday, 14 July, 4:30-6:30 PM, Joe's Cafe

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), Sunday, 14 July, 7:00-8:00 PM, Joe's Cafe

PLCs will generally be scheduled for the second Sunday of each month. Check the announcements for any changes. All patrols should be represented by their Patrol Leader or a designated substitute. All Seniors are expected to participate. Adult Leaders are welcome to join the meetings.

The PLC will once again be in person. Please arrive at Joe's Cafe shortly before 7 PM so the meeting can start on time. Parents should return at 8:00 PM to pick up their sons.

Rifle Badge Shooting Sessions this Summer, 22 July, 5 & 19 August

If you are working on your Rifle Merit Badge, Baltimore County Game and Fish Protective Association will be holding free public youth rifle instruction starting on June 10th at 6pm. We are a PRIVATE range located in Parkville just north of Harford Rd.

If you would like to work on your merit badge, you MUST contact Mr. Sunday a few days prior to attending. This will be for the shooting part of the badge only.

All scouts must be accompanied by an adult and a participation waiver must be signed.

The dates are 22 July, 5 Aug, 19 Aug.

BSA Training Required for ALL Merit Badge Counselors

Gunpowder Falls District has sent out information on training that is required for all Merit Bade Counselors in the District. ALL Merit Badge Counselors are required to complete the following training ASAP. Some merit badges also require specialized training see Gunpowder Falls Merit Badge Counselors for additional information.

The following required training can be completed at Send copies of your completed training certificates to Laron Wilson III, Gunpowder Falls District Merit Badge Dean,

2024 Summer Camp - June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation, Ashford, Connecticut

New Summer Camp information will be presented here for several weeks. The main repository, and your place to go for all the available Summer Camp information, is the Major Events page under the Information menu. It will be updated as new information becomes available.

All medications and instructions for administering them must be turned in to our Meds leader, upon arrival  during check-in. Please place them in a resealable plastic bag with the scout's name printed in large letters on the bag. Place a completed 2024 Troop Medication Form in the plastic bag. Click to download the Troop Medication Form PDF Document. Please complete this form neatly to provide clear instruction to us. The Meds Leader will keep track of and administer all medications as directed. The medicine must be in the original prescription container with the doctor’s name on the label.

Please make trip deposits to our Troop Treasurer for all Scouts and Leaders according to the following schedule:

Payment Amount
Initial Deposit January 2024 $100 $100
February 2024 $175 $275
March 2024 $200 $475
April 2024 $200 $675
May 2024 (Scout Only) $200 $875
June 2924 (Scout Only) $100 $975
Total (Estimated)


Additional Resources for Scouts, Parents, and Adults

Please visit the Resources page under the Information menu above for additional information about Troop 497 programs and activities.