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Last Update: 14 February 2025 0730. Click your browser's refresh button to ensure you are looking at the most recent update to this page. It is updated several times most weeks. Click underlined text to follow the link to additional information.

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), Sunday, 16 February, 7:00 PM, Joe's Cafe, New Date

PLCs will generally be scheduled for the second Sunday of each month. Check the announcements for any changes. All patrols should be represented by their Patrol Leader or a designated substitute. All Seniors are expected to participate. Adult Leaders are welcome to join the meetings.

Please arrive at Joe's Cafe shortly before 7 PM so the meeting can start on time. Parents should return at 8:00 PM to pick up their sons.

Troop Meeting, Thursday, 20 February, 7:30-9:00 PM, Multipurpose Room

Join us on every Thursday evening for our Troop Meetings in the Multipurpose Room of St. Joseph School. Check these announcements for any updates.

Schedule Posted for Flags & Service Duties at Troop Meetings

The Schedule for Flags & Service Duties at Troop Meetings has been posted on the Troop website. A link to Flags & Service has been added to the Schedule menu item.

Camp Snyder, 21-23 February 2025, register online now and pay at Troop Meeting

Please register to participate using the Online Event Registration Form and pay the Treasurer at a Troop meeting.

Our next camping trip is to Camp Snyder in Haymarket, Virginia. We camped at Snyder previously in January 2020. Check out the photographs from that trip.

Actions required by participants before the trip:

General Information (Revised 6 January)

Shelter  Food

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Multi Purpose Room, St. Joseph’s Church
Cost: $15 per person ($7 for children 10 and under)

Eagle Court of Honor, Sunday, 6 April, 2-6 pm, Multipurpose Room, St. Joseph School

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Multi Purpose Room, St. Joseph’s Church
Cost: $15 per person ($7 for children 10 and under)

The Troop 497 Court of Honor will take place on Sunday, 6 April, from 2 pm to 6 pm, in the Multipurpose Room of St. Joseph's School. This is our opportunity to honor Troop 497's newest group of Eagle Scouts, as well as celebrate all troop members' newest advancements and merit badges earned. The event will include a dinner and dessert and will be a special, not to be missed event. To reserve your tickets, fill out the attached form and bring it with payment to the Troop meetings between now and 27 March. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amy Madsen at 410 440 6313 or Thank you!

Help will be needed. Check back for additional information.

Passports Required for Summer Camp at Haliburton Scout Reserve in Ontario, Canada

Everyone traveling into Canada and returning to the US should have a Passport Book valid at the time of entry.  Visit this US Department of State web site for information on obtaining a passport book. Don't get a Passport Card - it is not valid for international travel by air which may be necessary in the event of an emergency. Apply NOW, it takes time to obtain a passport and is much more expensive if you need it quickly.

A Birth Certificate is required to apply for your passport. Obtain a birth certificate NOW if you don't have one that meets these requirements. It must have the seal or stamp from the city, county, or state which issued it.

All Scouts and adult leaders will need to provide a copy of the identification (picture) page of your passport as backup.

Emails from BAC concerning Registration Expiring

Please disregard any emails you may receive from the Baltimore Area Council concerning scout or adult registrations expiring.
All scout and adult leaders registration fees that were due at the end of 2024 were paid by the troop in the middle of December.

The Baltimore Area Council is in the process of updating their electronic system.

Additional Resources for Scouts, Parents, and Adults

Please visit the Resources page under the Information menu above for additional information about Troop 497 programs and activities.