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Last Update: 13 December 2024. Click your browser's refresh button to ensure you are looking at the most recent update to this page. It is updated several times most weeks. Click underlined text to follow the link to additional information.

Senior Surprise at Camp Horseshoe, 13-15 December, Meet at 6:30 at the Shed
Register online now using the
Online Event Registration Form

More information about the trip is posted below.

There were hats in lost and found after the last trip. See if one is yours at the shed on Friday!

Youth Protection Training - RENEW NOW - send 2024 YPT Certificates

There is a new process this year for registration and we want to start the process at the beginning of December. Therefore we're asking all registered adult leaders to
1. Take BSA Youth Protection Training by December 1st
2. Email their 2024 completion certificate to Ken Krach and Adam Spence regardless of when you took the YPT in 2024.

BSA Membership Renewal Notices - No Action Needed

Please note that you may receive an email from BSA notifying you that you or your Scout's membership is up for renewal. Please DO NOT select the option to renew the membership.

BSA has changed the way they handle renewals which is why you are now receiving these notices.

The Troop will continue to renew and pay the fees for scouts and adults when they are due from our annual fundraising.

Volunteer Needed to Deliver Food Items from Troop to a Food Bank

We are looking for a volunteer to take perishable items collected at the Christmas Party (19 December) to a local food bank? Contact Mr Boutilier if you would like to volunteer.

Photographs from Events through the Open House Are Available

Photographs from events through the Open House are available from the Photographs Menu item. You should download and save photographs of interest to you. The photographs will remain on the web site until room is needed for newer photographs - generally 3-4 years.

Senior Surprise at Camp Horseshoe, 13-15 December, Meet at 6:30 at the Shed

Bring money for lunch on Sunday

Please register to participate using the Online Event Registration Form and pay the Treasurer at a Troop meeting.

Our next camping trip is to Camp Horseshoe for Senior Surprise. This is the last opportunity in 2024 for you to complete your PASS meal. The next two trips will be adult cooking.

Actions required by participants before the trip:

General Information 

PASS Meals 

The December camping trip will be an opportunity for Pass Meal cooking. December will be dark, cold and possibly winter weather conditions. Anyone interested in preparing their Pass Meal at Senior Surprise should contact Mr. Harry Kakel to get on the schedule. Multiple Scouts from the same patrol can prepare a Pass Meal but the total number of Pass Meals is limited on the trip. First come, first serve.

Food (Updated 12/8/2024) Transportation

Christmas Party, Thursday, 19 December, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, Multipurpose Room

Junior Leader Training, 4th January, Save the Date

The Troop Leadership will be conducting a one day Junior Leader Training course for Patrol Leaders and aspiring Patrol Leaders. There is no charge for the training. Check back for more details.

Venture Ski Trip, 24-26 January 2025, openings available

Northern Tier, June 2025, Openings Available

The 2025 Northern Tier Trip has been reserved. The canoeing adventure commences 6/28/25 and spots are available. Contact Dr. Deborah Tierney, who is coordinating the trip, for additional information or to request to join the trip.

Additional Resources for Scouts, Parents, and Adults

Please visit the Resources page under the Information menu above for additional information about Troop 497 programs and activities.