Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), Sunday, 16 February, 7:00 PM, Joe's
Cafe, New Date
PLCs will generally be scheduled for the second Sunday of each month.
Check the announcements for any changes. All patrols should be
represented by their Patrol Leader or a designated substitute. All
Seniors are expected to participate. Adult Leaders are welcome to join
the meetings.
Please arrive at Joe's Cafe shortly before 7 PM so the meeting can
start on time. Parents should return at 8:00 PM to pick up
their sons.
Camp Snyder, 21-23 February 2025, register online now and pay at
Troop Meeting
Please register to participate using the Online Event Registration
Form and pay the Treasurer at a Troop
Our next camping trip is to Camp Snyder in Haymarket, Virginia. We
camped at Snyder previously in January 2020. Check out the photographs
from that trip.
Actions required by participants before the trip:
- Complete
the Event Registration Form and pay the
Troop Treasurer at a Troop Meeting.
- The registration form should be completed by all Scouts and
Adults participating during any part of the weekend including just
- Only Adults, who are registered with the BSA and Troop 497, are
permitted to camp overnight with Troop 497 Scouts.
- Re-register if you need to make updates or cancel your participation
after you submit your initial registration.
- The
cost for the trip is $30 for Scouts and $10 Adults. Pay the
troop treasurer at a Troop meeting.
General Information (Revised 6
- The main activities for the weekend are
currently Rifle, Archery, Capture the Flag, and Slingshot.
- Check this
link for a Weekend Personal Clothing and Gear List.
- Cold Weather Tips
- read this document before going camping this weekend and you may
discover a tip or two to make your weekend more enjoyable.
- Carry a flashlight in your pocket for when you arrive.
- We will return to the shed on Sunday at 2 PM and take care of
the gear used on the trip. Parents should arrive at 1:45 to pick up
their sons who had carpooled with another adult.
- You should plan on bringing sleeping bags, pads, and other gear
based on where you will be sleeping this weekend. These are the
available accommodations:
- Two heated Lodges will be our primary building housing scouts and
adults. It will also be where meals will be cooked and served. They
are heated to at least 55 degrees. Both buildings have bathrooms with
running water.
- Tenting opportunities are available near the buildings for both
Scouts and adults. Scouts must sleep in troop tents and adhere to
normal BSA guidelines for tenting with other scouts as we do on any
other camping trip. Adults may tent in their personal tents or a troop
tent. ALL scouts who wish to tent outside MUST make arrangements
Friday evening at the shed with the Quartermaster to borrow a troop
tent. Same applies to adults who want to borrow a troop tent.
- Scouts and adults who camp in an unheated environment both nights
are eligible for Texas Tough Points if the temperature drops below 32
- This is an adult cooking trip.
- Special dietary restrictions: Special dietary restrictions:
If your son has special dietary restrictions you would like the troop
to attempt to accommodate contact an adult leader of the food crew.
- Friday Cracker-barrel: Assorted snacks, drinks.
- Saturday Breakfast: Sausage gravy over English Muffins, Fruit,
Juices, hot chocolate
- Saturday Lunch: Turkey, ham, cheese sandwiches, chips, soup,
cookies, drinks.
- Saturday Supper: Pulled Pork and turkey BBQ a la Mr. Brando,
potato salad, coleslaw, hamburger rolls, cakes.
- Saturday cracker-barrel: assorted snacks, drinks.
- Sunday Breakfast: Assorted pastries, pop tarts, hot and cold
- Sunday Lunch on the road
- Please register to drive using the Online Event Registration
- These are the suggested driving
directions with maps. The route is 104 miles and
should take about 2 hours and 15 minutes depending on traffic.
- You should still complete the online registration process
if you are a Virtus approved driver and you are volunteering to drive
but don't plan to camp.
- The Troop's transportation coordinator may actively recruit parents
to drive to/from the camping location if we don't have sufficient
adult volunteers to drive. You may be asked to drive one or both ways.
Sunday, April 6, 2025, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Multi Purpose Room, St. Joseph’s Church
Cost: $15 per person ($7 for children 10 and under)